I once told a client that “MacGyver” was not a compliment. To put in context, she was so proud that she was able to “repurpose” this item or “upcyle” this previously used decoration. It was a tough conversation for me.
She’s our own little MacGyver

I once told a client that “MacGyver” was not a compliment. To put in context, she was so proud that she was able to “repurpose” this item or “upcyle” this previously used decoration. It was a tough conversation for me.
I recently did a speaking engagement and they had the standard questionnaire form. They asked for my biography, achievements, and so-on. They had a question that perked my attention, as I was cutting and pasting my information in to the
Its that time of year again. That time when people go crazy with decorating homes. Inflatables in the yard and lights everywhere, maybe we are even able to gather for a party again. I am more focused on the time
You are a nonprofit organization. You were founded as a unique solution to what someone or some group considered a problem. As a function of design, your organization has figured out how to operate on limited resources. Since the inception
What is the most important part of any event? Can you guess? The theme, you know the logo and color scheme and all the decorations? No, not it. Maybe it’s the venue, everyone always says location, location, location? Not even
Developing an annual plan is vital to achieving your annual goals. It is important that your plan is fluid and well communicated. Click below to download the planning guide prepared by PB&J marComm to assist our clients. When it comes