My articles are always a result of the experiences I have with clients or researching prospective clients. A standard question I have in my initial conversation is to explain your impact. Eventually, I get a story, but most of the time we begin with statistics and processes. If the organization has a facility, I always ask for a tour. As we walk through the facility, I learn about what rooms are used for, but rarely get what has occurred in the rooms…how lives have been impacted.

When I talk about stories, and what is your impact, I am not talking about numbers, I am talking about the change that occurs as a result of the organization mission. Once I am connected to your mission, then I can hear about the numbers.

What is the change? When I work with an addiction and recovery organization, it is not the length of time in the program or the amount of people that left your program sober, but the families that are restored, or the kids that have their parent back, or the people excited to live not surviving until their next fix. When it is a pantry, it is not the number of meals or the pounds of food; it is the parents who get to enjoy a meal with their kids rather than just watching their kids eat.

I recently spoke with a client that does repairs for people that struggle financially. The repairs they conduct are often significant safety concerns, but are also maintenance items before they become safety issues or expensive repairs. They often talk about the costs of the repairs or the amount of savings they provide, but their impact is much more. It is the peace of mind they provide when transportation is reliable, or the kids that have not been harmed, the savory taste of chicken nuggets rather than ramen noodles because now you don’t have to find money for repairs.

Eventually you need to discuss what it costs to carry out your mission, but that is only after you have drawn me into your organization with the priceless impact of smiles on children, safe homes, restored families or full tummies.

The easiest way to understand your IMPACT!

If you are not sure what the change or impact your organization has, take the time to ask. This is such a great part of what we do as development professionals. Often we have the “origin story” as to why the founder started the organization (which is always compelling), but there is nothing like getting our own story. I have certainly shared a tear or two when a disaster client talked about seeing their singed child’s mattress on the front lawn or discovering a perfectly preserved picture amongst all the damage. I can’t help but share a smile when a person in recovery is filled with joy because of the new relationship they have with their father AND their stepfather. Then the best is when I sense that emotion as I share the story with a donor and they get emotional too. As a parent, we all want to our kids to recognize that we have always loved them. We can all hear the background music in our heads as we walk through a devastated home and find that favorite memory preserved amongst all the damage and flash back to that happy moment. These stories are the impact of your organization, this is what you have done, this is the difference you have made!

If you need help crafting your story, understanding the impact of your mission, or sharing the difference you make, PB&J marComm is happy to be resource.

OMG! What have you done…