I once told a client that “MacGyver” was not a compliment. To put in context, she was so proud that she was able to “repurpose” this item or “upcyle” this previously used decoration. It was a tough conversation for me.
Does It Motivate!
In my last blog, 3 questions about measurement, I received some great feedback, especially about the last two questions: Can you explain it? and Does it motivate? I address “Does it motivate” in this article. Know your people -Understanding what
Making Events More Charitable
Over the last several months, I have participated and coordinated events for my clients. Some more successful than others. Some are still trying to define the success. As I work with not for profit entities, I have understood the importance
STOP! Ask for directions.
In today’ world, you have GPS systems that help you travel. Just about anything you want to try is on YouTube. It is rare that you need to call someone for directions or instruction, or ask someone how they made