The world of fundraising continues to evolve. In addition to tools like major gifts, events, planned giving, direct mail (and even more venues) we add social fundraising. Is it a third party fundraiser, or is it a mini-event, or is
T’was the week before New Year’s
‘Twas the week before New Year’s The center was bustling For hunger knows no calendar Addiction does not have a season Neither does homelessness, literacy, or rescue pets For our precious planet, we can always find a reason
Making Events More Charitable
Over the last several months, I have participated and coordinated events for my clients. Some more successful than others. Some are still trying to define the success. As I work with not for profit entities, I have understood the importance
STOP! Ask for directions.
In today’ world, you have GPS systems that help you travel. Just about anything you want to try is on YouTube. It is rare that you need to call someone for directions or instruction, or ask someone how they made
Great year end strategies begin with a GOOD ASK!
Have you got a plan to ask for donations? Yes, donors are bombarded with end of year requests. Don’t let them forget about your organization, because you didn’t ask.
Go the extra inch…
At Disney, no matter how successful the mouse is, or how many children love the princesses, it is about their people. They do a lot to make sure they get the right people (more than I have time to discuss here), and the first thing they do is TEACH and EMPOWER them to go the extra inch.