I once told a client that “MacGyver” was not a compliment. To put in context, she was so proud that she was able to “repurpose” this item or “upcyle” this previously used decoration. It was a tough conversation for me.
She’s our own little MacGyver

I once told a client that “MacGyver” was not a compliment. To put in context, she was so proud that she was able to “repurpose” this item or “upcyle” this previously used decoration. It was a tough conversation for me.
If you have followed my articles and read my book, then you know I enjoy the old time radio shows. I appreciate the way they teach us about storytelling. Without the benefits of TV and the sense of sight, they
Over the last several months, I have participated and coordinated events for my clients. Some more successful than others. Some are still trying to define the success. As I work with not for profit entities, I have understood the importance