At Disney, no matter how successful the mouse is, or how many children love the princesses, it is about their people. They do a lot to make sure they get the right people (more than I have time to discuss here), and the first thing they do is TEACH and EMPOWER them to go the extra inch.
Do the terms: Performance Report, OR Productivity Report, OR Activity Report make you cringe.
My manager had what was affectionately called a “Tickler File”. The black box held his general relationships and the red box held the “Hot” or new relationships. Each week, he went through his tickler file, and recorded notes about these relationships and would make lists of activities or things to do with these relationships (the post-it notes).
Buzz Words and Boards
The roles of Boards are ever changing. Whether they are changing from fiduciary to advisory, or just gaining new members, Board management and engagement can be a full time job in itself. Here are some best practices that make Board engagement more manageable.
Engaging Major [People] – 5 steps
In major accounts, we understood that our most successful clients were the ones that we engaged (as well as said Thank You) beyond the transaction. Here are 5 simple things I did from my time in major accounts that I believe can apply to major donors as well.
You can never say THANK YOU too often nor too late
In this age of digital communication, it is easy to think that it is more important to be quick with a response or a thank you….I would like to share a few brief stories of how handwritten notes have impacted my career.
Now you are creating your own story of success. As you begin to measure these, then you will start to find success beyond just the dollars you bring in, you will find success in your skills. As you improve your skills, you will become more equipped to assist your colleagues in improving their skills. This will improve the success of your team. This can become a story you can share for that next opportunity.