Listed are books read by our staff. In the description are reasons why our colleagues find value in these books. Clicking on the book image takes you to a link where you can order the book. If there is additional support or materials they are in the caption under the image. HAPPY READING!
Post-Pandemic Nonprofit
by Jeremy Reis
This is a recent read. It is supposed to be about how charitable organizations should function after the COVID-19 pandemic, however I find it ask great questions for any organization planning a future strategy. If you are looking at creating or update a strategic plan, read this book first.
Robots Make Bad Fundraisers
by Steven Shattuck
Donor managements systems are a powerful tool for non-profits. They are a tool to help you fundraise, they are not the fundraisers. If anyone knows this, it is Steven. He share his wealth of experiences on how to make the most out of these tools alongside the most powerful tool your organization has: YOU!
Lincoln on Leadership
By: Donald T. Phillips
What greater example of Leadership is there than Lincoln. He was a leader during a very tumultuous time for America. His wisdom can be applied to any leader or organization.
A favorite story are the letters they found in his desk that he wrote to his subordinates yet never sent.
by Stephen Lundin adn John Christensen
Rather building or rebuilding your organization culture, the four (4) principles will help you get there in an energizing, effective and fulfilling way.
A quick read with a great story of throwing fish at the Pike’s Place Fish Market that will stick with you.
Rainmaking: The Fundraiser’s Guide To Landing Big Gifts
By Roy Jones, CFRE and Andrew Olsen, CFRE
“Philanthropic Matchmaking” is one of the best ways to describe a fundraiser’s job. The wisdom and practical application continue throughout this book. Actionable ways you can solicit and secure major gifts.