When I speak to volunteer boards and nonprofit professionals, I speak to the importance of getting a second question. What do I mean? It is simple. If someone asks for further explanation or more info when you introduce yourself and
The Visit
In today’s world of texting, IM’ing, email, and online chat where does face to face fit. This came up as I was reviewing the top donors list with a client the other day and they looked at me and said,
1st Meeting, Let the C.H.I.P.s fall
at 2:45 – That means she said YES, when sh could’ve said no. That means she mad a plan when sh could’ve just blown you off. So that means it is no longer her job to make her like you.
Can you explain “it”
In a recent blog, 3 questions, one of the questions I suggested was “Can you explain it?” Last week, I received two solicitations within a day of each other. These appeals exemplify my point better than any metaphor I could
Does It Motivate!
In my last blog, 3 questions about measurement, I received some great feedback, especially about the last two questions: Can you explain it? and Does it motivate? I address “Does it motivate” in this article. Know your people -Understanding what
Some will, some won’t, so move on
Throughout my years in sales and fundraising, I have witnessed people hang their hats on one big win. Often, this big is with a person or an organization that they have researched well, but never met. A big win that