Facing an unexpected situation, whether it be an extraordinary expense or a crisis like COVID-19, there is a strategy and a formula to communicating with donors and soliciting funds. The most important thing is to remember that it is about
When your event gets changed
6 things you should do Having events always has a level of risk. If they are outdoors, there is a concern of weather. Even indoors, there is a possible issue with the venue. Through experience, most groups can mitigate most
What does that STATUS mean
In social media, every time you post a picture or make a statement, it is call a status update. It’s how people get a glimpse into what you do, your hobbies, and what you enjoy. For businesses, it is how
What’s the forecast
My elders had a saying, the best job in the world was a Weatherman because you only had to be right 1 day a week. Anyone would enjoy a job where you only had to achieve 15% of your goal.
This Nonsense
It goes by many names. Some call it “analysis paralysis”. I had a manager who identified it as “Dis’ non sense”. In reading this blog, a colleague said they called it their routine of Proper Professional Procrastination. Whatever its name
6 things to do for your POST EVENT 2nd gift!
What is the most important part of any event? Can you guess? The theme, you know the logo and color scheme and all the decorations? No, not it. Maybe it’s the venue, everyone always says location, location, location? Not even