A drop causes a ripple in still water

The holidays are a peak time of giving for the fundraising world. I think it is important to highlight the value of a donation of any amount and the impact it has on multiple people including you the donor.

A lot of people give generously the last couple of months of the year. Depending on your source, charitable organizations will raise from 26% – 55% of their fundraising goal between Halloween and New Years. A consistent statistic is that about 10% of all giving happens in the last week of the year.

The truth is that help, your contributions, is needed year around. However, it is wonderful that people are so generous during the holidays. So let’s talk about when you give. Say you make a $10 gift to a local charity, a food pantry, online. Your contribution to that food pantry not only provides a child with breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack, it does a great deal more. For that child you have provided food security that impacts them more than just sustenance. For the organization you have also provided some sustenance.

Just a dollar or two of that $10 gift also goes to making sure that the food pantry can operate to serve the community. Serving in a function or to a population that would be neglected without this organization. Your donation to this pantry provides not only the opportunity for food, but also real opportunity in the community.

Nonprofits are a small business in your community. As a sector, nonprofits are the 3rd largest employer after healthcare and retail. As a small business they hire people in your community. For the person hired by the pantry to manage the organization, or do the fundraising, or coordinate volunteers you are helping them to be productive members of the community. They shop in the local stores and eat at local restaurants and hangout at local sporting events.

In addition, this pantry supports other businesses in the community like utilities, restaurants, print shops, and grocery stores. See what just a $10 gift does especially when joined with many other gifts.

In just over 300 words, it has been explained that your gift not only supports the mission of the organization, but the people that work to ensure the mission happens, and your community at large. We cannot forget another person significantly impacted…


Yes, you. Even though it is never highlighted, there is a great deal of self-benefit from making a donation. Whether it is a contribution of time or treasure, there is benefit to your mental health. Whether it is helping a child or an animal, the ability to help in any way is a boost to your self-esteem and positively affects your mood. There have been studies that indicate that giving to charity releases the same endorphins associated with receiving an award. Supporting charity can impact depression.

If you have a family, the opportunity to volunteer or give to charity teaches your children that it is never too early to make an impact. It also teaches the youngest in our community the value and the joy of giving. Inviting others to give or to volunteer builds personal relationships and can strengthen the community. One of my favorite stories is the “Parable of the Starfish” where a young boy teaches a skeptical old man the impact even a small gesture can make.

To recap, a donation has a 360o impact. A ripple effect. It starts with your gift of time or treasure to a charitable organization. You know that you are making a difference on the mission or the clients of the organization, but don’t forget that you are impacting the people that work for the organization and an economic impact in your community. You are also providing a positive mental and spiritual impact for yourself and possibly a positive impression on our…your future.

Thank you for making a contribution to your favorite charity.

The Ripple effect of a donation